
How To Register A Google Home

In society for the Google Assistant to reply to commands appropriate to your device and the given context, the Assistant needs information about your particular device. You provide this data, which includes fields similar device type and manufacturer, equally a device model. You tin can call back of this model as a general grade of device -- such equally a light, speaker, or toy robot.

This information is then accessible to the Banana and is associated with your Actions Console project. No other projects have admission to your model and device information.

Use the registration UI

Use the registration UI in the Actions Console to annals a device model.

Click the Register MODEL button.

Device models tab

Create model

  1. Fill out all of the fields for your device. Select whatsoever device type, such as Lite.

    Encounter the device model JSON reference for more information on these fields.

  2. When you are finished, click REGISTER MODEL.

    Create model

Download credentials

The client_secret_<client-id>.json file must be located on the device. This file contains a customer ID and client secret, simply no access token. Afterward, you will run an authorization tool and reference this file in gild to authorize the Google Banana SDK sample to make Google Assistant queries (encounter the OAuth ii.0 documentation for more data). Practise not rename this file.

Download this file and transfer it to the device. Click Next.

Download credentials

For the Raspberry Pi just

Make sure this file is located in /dwelling house/pi. If y'all want to upload the file to the device, do the following:

  1. Open a new terminal window. Run the post-obit command in this new terminal:

    scp ~/Downloads/client_secret_client-id.json pi@raspberry-pi-ip-address:/abode/pi/
    password:              password-for-device            
  2. Close this terminal window.

Specify traits

Later, you volition specify the unlike abilities that your device supports on this screen. Just for now, click the SKIP button.

Specify traits

Edit the model

If you need to edit the model, click its row in the list. Brand certain to click Salvage afterwards whatever edits.

Model list

If you demand to download the credentials file again, click the ellipses. You can delete the model from this menu besides.

Edit menu

Alternative ways to register

Yous can also utilize the registration tool (included with the Google Assistant SDK samples) or the Remainder API to register a device model.

You must exist an Owner or Editor of a given Actions Console project to annals models for information technology. Add these roles for other users in the Cloud Platform Console—see the IAM documentation.

Next step

Install the SDK and Sample Code

How To Register A Google Home,


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